I am inviting you to stand in your power at my 200-year-old historic home by having the sheer audacity to be seen, heard, and relentlessly pursue every single thing you want through the power of your story.
It’s an invitation 200 years in the making.
But what I did know is that the home’s mission was bigger than me.
Buying my home was the easy part. Staying the course the past 4 years to get it over the finish line – that was the biggest test of my life so far.
There were so many times where people around me said that it wasn’t going to get completed or that there was no way I was going to raise the capital to get over yet another construction delay.
But I kept going.
I kept going because I knew that if I didn’t stop you wouldn’t either.
At the end of 2023, a few weeks before construction ended and the film crews arrived to capture the sheer beauty of what we had created, I was walking around the house and I saw you there.
I saw you on my couch talking about your company. I saw you in my studio upstairs working out the intricacies of your story. I saw you at my dining table toasting to a bigger vision of your life.
I saw you there.
If I know anything about life it’s that without vision you are stuck.
We didn’t get over the finish line of this home to stop dreaming now.
We got over the finish line to bring others to it so that they had a physical meeting spot on Earth that if it happened for me surely it can happen for you.
There is something deeply transformational on that land that reminds you that you are not alone and that your story deserves to be told.
There is something in the creaking of the steps that echoes to you that you don’t walk alone.
There is something in the chimneys that hum along to wildly audacious dreams swirling around in your head.
There is something in the sparkle of the chandeliers that crown your efforts with success.
I can’t put my finger on it, but since completing the home every friend or family member that has stopped by walks around in awe and then in some way finds themselves creating – maybe in the studio crafting movement or downstairs in the study typing away.
The spaces in the home were shaped for creation.
I believe the greatest gift you can give the world is your story.
When we share our stories we share a path forward for someone else to not feel so alone.
Something in your vulnerability and truth allows them the courage to embody who they know they were always meant to be.
I love my home with all of my heart and I couldn’t think of a better place to bring more stories into the world than at Hartwell House.
I want to invite you for the weekend to create in my home and find your story and the audacity to tell it.
Hartwell House was created for us to shine our light more radiantly.
In 2024 I plan to light this place up with hope.
And that plan absolutely includes your story.
It’s time.
Tell Your Story is a live in-person weekend at Hartwell House in Great Barrington, MA that helps you craft a signature story that magically transforms into more money in the bank and opportunities in your pocket.
If you don’t think your story is worth telling, I’ll help you reframe that mindset.
If you have no idea what your story is or how to write it, I am here to give you a framework.
If you need the confidence to share your story, we’ll find the audacity together.
Equal parts inspiration and “get shit done.”
You’ll work directly with me in my historic home to visualize, identify, write, workshop, and share your story.
You will leave the Berkshires with a beautifully-crafted signature story, the audacity to tell it, and know exactly where to share your story for maximum ROI.
A portion of the proceeds from the Tell Your Story at Hartwell House will go to these 3 foundations.
Hello 7 Foundation provides vouchers for life-changing and life-saving services—namely, doulas, night nurses, midwives, and childcare—to Black birthing people in need.
Loveland Foundation is committed to showing up for communities of color in unique and powerful ways, with a particular focus on Black women and girls.
Marsha P. Johnson Institute protects and defends the human rights of Black transgender people by organizing, advocating, developing transformative leadership, and creating an intentional community to heal.
Once you uncover your signature story and share it with the world, you’ll unlock limitless opportunities.
Tell Your Story at Hartwell House focuses on Storytelling and Story Selling.
Join us at the event and leave with everything you need to turn your signature story into a cash-generating machine.
There is no marketing strategy on the planet with better ROI than your signature story.
Tell Your Story at Hartwell House is $11,500 USD (pay in full saves you $1,000) or three payments of $4,167 and includes a two-day workshop with Robert Hartwell, education on writing, speaking, and storytelling, and a workbook to take home.
Your ticket includes:
Round-trip Amtrak train travel from Moynihan Train Hall NYC to Hudson, NY
Round-trip car service from Hudson, NY to Great Barrington, MA
Local car service from Great Barrington, MA hotel to Hartwell House
Exclusive Private Home Tour
Lunch & Dinner on Friday
Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner on Saturday.
2 nights of Private Hotel Room in Great Barrington, MA
In addition, your ticket includes a Welcome Call (online/before the weekend) to get you prepared and a Reunion Call (online/after the workshop) to keep the momentum going.
We will cap attendance at 10 people. If you need any accessibility assistance please let us know so we can best support you by emailing elizabeth@bwaycollective.com.
Imagine hopping on Zoom with a potential client, sharing the story behind your business, and having that person say, “I’m in. Your fee is $10k, right? That works for me. When can we start?”
Picture yourself stepping onstage at a conference and getting paid $20k for a 1-hour keynote.
Imagine sharing your story in an article. Your story resonates with thousands of readers and goes viral. A top publisher notices—and then emails to offer you a book deal.
Visualize yourself speaking to a group of young students, sharing an inspirational true story, and watching their eyes light up with hope and possibility.
Storytelling provides unlimited ROI.
Consider: Are you experiencing record-breaking sales? Is your audience growing consistently? Are you getting noticed by the media? Are you impacting lives in the way you would like? If not, come to this workshop. Build skills that lead to the results you want.
When you know how to tell stories effectively, this is a million dollar skill. It leads to more sales, more deals, more media coverage, and more people saying “Yes!” to whatever you offer.
If you want to get your team unified around a project, mission, or cause, tell them a powerful story.
To convince someone that your business is worth investing in, you need an excellent business plan. You also need to tell the story behind your business—how it started, where you’ve been, and where you’re going. Stories create emotion—and emotion moves people to take action.
Come find your Signature Story…THE story you need to be telling in writing, in meetings, on podcasts, and onstage for thousands.
Come to Tell Your Story at Hartwell House. Gain new skills and build greater confidence.
We will exercise your courage in my home.
We all have different personalities and learning styles. Some people learn by interacting and talking aloud. Some learn visually or by listening.
But, 200 years ago on the same land that we will be creating, someone was dreaming that you and I would be living in freedom.
I will be with you every step of the way.
That’s a promise.
We do not offer discounts or scholarships for Tell Your Story at Hartwell House.
Here are a few suggestions:
Find a way. Do a garage sale and sell items you don’t need. Ask your boss for a bonus. Get a client to pay upfront. There is always a way.
This is the only Hartwell House storytelling event I have on my agenda for this year.
“Am I ready?” is not the right question. Because you will never feel 100% ready for any new experience in life.
A better question is, “What do I want?”
If that’s what you want, join me at Hartwell House.
It’s okay if you’re nervous or feel a bit out of place. Feeling nervous means you’re moving forward in life instead of remaining in the same place.
Please email elizabeth@bwaycollective.com. We’ll reply as promptly as possible.